The optimal management of water resources\nrequires that the collected hydrogeological, meteorological,\nand spatial data be simulated and analyzed with appropriate\nmodels. In this study, a catchment-scale distributed hydrological\nmodeling approach is applied to simulate water\nstress for the years 2000 and 2050 in a data scarce Pra\nBasin, Ghana. The model is divided into three parts: The\nfirst computes surface and groundwater availability as well\nas shallow and deep groundwater residence times by using\nPOLFLOW model; the second extends the POLFLOW\nmodel with water demand (Domestic, Industrial and\nAgricultural) model; and the third part involves modeling\nwater stress indicesââ?¬â?from the ratio of water demand to\nwater availabilityââ?¬â?for every part of the basin. On water\navailability, the model estimated long-term annual Pra\nriver discharge at the outflow point of the basin, Deboase,\nto be 198 m3/s as against long-term average measurement\nof 197 m3/s. Moreover, the relationship between simulated\ndischarge and measured discharge at 9 substations in the\nbasin scored Nashââ?¬â??Sutcliffe model efficiency coefficient of\n0.98, which indicates that the model estimation is in\nagreement with the long-term measured discharge. The\nestimated total water demand significantly increases from\n959,049,096 m3/year in 2000 to 3,749,559,019 m3/year in\n2050 (p\\0.05). The number of districts experiencing\nwater stress significantly increases (p = 0.00044) from 8 in\n2000 to 21 out of 35 by the year 2050. This study will\namong other things help the stakeholders in water\nresources management to identify and manage water stress\nareas in the basin.